The team Christmas Selection 2006

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The team Christmas Selection 2006
(c) Fondation Napoléon

Memoirs and Biography

LAWDAY David, Napoleon's Master: A Life of Prince Talleyrand
LOWRY James, MILLYARD John, (ed.) Fiddlers and Whores: the candid memoirs of a surgeon in Nelson's fleet
MACÉ Jacques, Le général Gourgaud
SUMMERVILLE C. J., (ed.), Regency Collections: Captain Gronow's guide to life in London and Paris


(c) Fondation NapoléonBARRELL John, The Spirit of Despotism: Invasions of Privacy in the 1790s
BROERS Michael, The Napoleonic Empire in Italy, 1796-1814
CLARK Christopher, Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia
DAVIS John A., Naples and Napoleon: Southern Italy and the European Revolutions, 1780-1860
KAGAN Frederick W., Napoleon and Europe: Volume One, 1801-1805, The End of the Old Order
LENTZ Thierry, LHEUREUX-PRÉVOT Chantal, BRANDA Pierre, Napoléon, l'esclavage et les colonies
NAPOLEON I, Correspondance générale de Napoléon Volume III : «Les Pacifications», 1800-1802
TOMBS Robert, TOMBS Isabelle, That Sweet Enemy: The British and the French from the Sun King to the Present
VAN HATTEM Mark, (et al.) In the wake of Napoleon, The Dutch in time of War 1792-1815

Art History

(c) Fondation NapoléonHUGUENAUD, Karine, Balades napoléoniennes dans Paris. Consulat et Premier Empire
KING Ross, The Judgement of Paris: Manet, Meisonnier and an Artistic Revolution


(c) Fondation NapoléonCORUM Michael, UFFINDELL Andrew, On the Fields of Glory: The Battlefields of the 1815 Campaign
COURCELLE Patrice, PAWLY Ronald, Napoleon's Mamelukes
HOFSCHROER Peter, Waterloo 1815: Wavre, Plancenoit and the Race to Paris
RUDORFF Raymond, War to the death: the sieges of Saragossa, 1808-1809
UFFINDELL, Andrew, The Eagle's Last Triumph: Napoleon's Victory at Ligny, June 1815


SCHULTZ Doug, Napoleon's Final Battle

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