That Sweet Enemy: The British and the French from the Sun King to the Present

Author(s) : TOMBS Isabelle, TOMBS Robert
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That Sweet Enemy: The British and the French from the Sun King to the Present
(c) Heinemann

Though this is not a book specifically about Napoleon it does (of course) have a long central section on Napoleon I and Napoleon III is not forgotten. The format too recommends itself to Napoleonic readers: the English viewpoint given by the British academic husband and the French is given by the French wife. This is a must read for all those interested in Franco-British relations, which of course find one of their key moment of proximity during the First Empire. I would agree with the publishers in saying that “The result is a triumph”.
About the authors:
Isabelle Tombs is in charge of French teaching at the Foreign Office and Robert is Reader in French history at the University of Cambridge.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
London: William Heinemann
Number of pages :
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