(et al.) In the wake of Napoleon, The Dutch in time of War 1792-1815

Author(s) : VAN HATTEM Mark
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(et al.) In the wake of Napoleon, The Dutch in time of War 1792-1815

This book is in English (despite the cover photo) and is the full-colour catalogue of the recent exhibition in the Netherlands.
From the publishers:
Tens of thousands of Dutch soldiers fought for Napoleon, not only in the Netherlands but in Belgium, Spain, Germany, Poland and Russia. Many died during the Russian campaign in 1812. Napoleon was forced to stand down in 1814, only to return to France a year later. During the subsequent Battle of Waterloo, Dutch soldiers fought for both the Dutch king William I and Napoleon. Readers of In the Wake of Napoleon. The Dutch in time of war 1792-1815 will be meeting some of those Dutchmen, each with a story of their own. Did the young cadet Hendrik Jacob ‘t Hart survive the harrowing expedition to Germany in 1804? Who was Valentijn Amende, a man who in 1804 had to resign the post of quartermaster he had held for 27 years, on suspicion of having ‘cooked' the regimental books he was in charge of? Did Adriaan Blussé manage to report for duty in 1813 and comply with the dress code: ' …the coat will be dark green, lined with white flannel; the flaps and collar embroidered, collar and cuffs trimmed with black fur'? And could the Dutch barber surgeon Verhoef do anything for the wounded during the bitterly cold Russian winter of 1812? These are just a few examples of Dutchmen who played a part in those turbulent war years.

Besides ‘ordinary' Dutch soldiers, two representatives of the House of Orange are also highlighted – William George Frederick of Orange-Nassau and his nephew William II. Wounded at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, William II is better known as ‘the hero of Waterloo'.  

This book can be bought by visiting the following link www.armymuseum.nl/shop or by calling +31 (0) 15 2150586.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
Delft: Uitgeverij Thoth
Number of pages :
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