Summer selection 2006

Author(s) : HICKS Peter
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Summer selection 2006
(c) Ravenhall Press


ABELL (BETSY BALCOMBE) Mrs, To Befriend an Emperor: Betsy Balcombe's Memoirs of Napoleon on St Helena
LOWRY James, MILLYARD John, (ed.) Fiddlers and Whores: the candid memoirs of a surgeon in Nelson's fleet

MARKHAM J. David, Napoleon and Doctor Verling on St Helena

MIKABERIDZE Alexander, (ed.) The Czar's General: The Memoirs of a Russian General in the Napoleonic Wars by Alexey Yermolov

MOSS Michael, BROCKLISS Laurence, CARDWELL John, Nelson's Surgeon, William Beatty, Naval Medicine, and the Battle of Trafalgar

NOËL Jean-Nicolas-Auguste, With Napoleon's Guns: The military memoirs of an officer of the First Empire (ed. trans. Rosemary Brindle)

NORTH Jonathan, (ed., trans.), Napoleon's Army in Russia, the illustrated Memoirs of Albrecht Adam – 1812


(c) PicadorMAYER Diana, Evremonde
RAMBAUD Patrick, The Retreat


(c) Nouveau Monde EditionsCANNADINE David, Admiral Lord Nelson: Context and Legacy

CZISNIK Marianne, Horatio Nelson, a controversial hero
DAVIS William C., The Pirates Laffite 
FAIRWEATHER Maria , Madame De Stael
MACÉ Jacques, Le général Gourgaud
PICARD Liza , Victorian London, the life of a City
TYSON STROUD Patricia, The man who had been King: the American exile of Napoleon's brother Joseph

General History

(c) FayardBARRELL John, The Spirit of Despotism: Invasions of Privacy in the 1790s
HILL Peter P., Napoleon's Troublesome Americans: Franco-American Relations, 1804-1815

KING Ross, The Judgement of Paris: Manet, Meisonnier and an Artistic Revolution

LENTZ Thierry, LHEUREUX-PRÉVOT Chantal, BRANDA Pierre, Napoléon, l'esclavage et les colonies

MITCHELL Leslie, The Whig World

NAPOLEON I , Correspondance générale de Napoléon Volume III : « Les Pacifications », 1800-1802

NICASSIO Susan Vandiver, Imperial City: Rome, Romans and Napoleon, 1796-1815

NICOLSON Adam, Seize the Fire: Heroism, Duty, and the Battle of Trafalgar

VAN HATTEM Mark, (et al.) In the wake of Napoleon, The Dutch in time of War 1792-1815

Military History

(c) Pen & SwordCASTLE Ian, Austerlitz: Napoleon and The Eagles of Europe
COURCELLE Patrice, PAWLY Ronald, Napoleon's Mamelukes

HOFSCHROER Peter, Waterloo 1815: Wavre, Plancenoit and the Race to Paris

OMAN Sir Charles, A History of the Peninsular War (reprint), vols V and VI
OMAN Sir Charles, A History of the Peninsular War (reprint), Volume VII

RUDORFF Raymond, War to the death: the sieges of Saragossa, 1808-1809
SUMMERVILLE C. J., Napoleon's Polish Gamble: Eylau and Friedland 1807

UMHEY Alfred, Napoleon's Last Grande Armée: Eyewitness portraits from the 1813 campaign
ZIMA Herbert, What would have happened if Murat had won at Tolentino? What repercussions would this have had on the Waterloo campaign?

Art History

(c) Nouveau Monde EditionsGORGONE Giulia, CASELLI Cristina, (eds) La battaglia in una stanza: il papier peint di Austerlitz
GORGONE Giulia, BORELLI Glauco, Il Rifugio di Venere: La villa Paolina Bonaparte a Viareggio

HUGUENAUD, Karine, Balades napoléoniennes dans Paris. Consulat et Premier Empire
KIEFER Carol Solomon, (ed.), The Empress Josephine: Art and Royal Identity

MARTINELLI Roberta, (ed.), Le mobilier: L'inventario della residenza imperiale di Napoleone all'Elba

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