Napoleon’s Master: A Life of Prince Talleyrand

Author(s) : LAWDAY David
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From the publishers:
“In this life of the […] diplomat, David Lawday follows Talleyrand's remarkable career through the most turbulent age Europe has known. The performance by 'Old Talley' […] peaks in [his] relationship with Napoleon which this book […] explores in intimate detail. […] The richly flawed and abundantly gifted character laid bare by David Lawday is the man to whom diplomats continue to look today for the subtlest tricks of the negotiator's art. A good 150 years before a united Europe came into being, Talleyrand's actions laid the ground for it – as they have for a permanent peace now enduring for two centuries between France and her oldest enemy, Britain.

About the Author
David Lawday is a writer and journalist who for twenty years was correspondent for The Economist.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
London: Jonathan Cape
Number of pages :
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