Napoleon’s Mamelukes

Author(s) : COURCELLE Patrice, PAWLY Ronald
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This Osprey title brings to a wide audience the uniforms and organisation of the colourful mamluks of Napleon's imperial guard. Originally cavalrymen from the Orient who came to France from Egypt after the Egyptian expedition, the Mamluks were to remain Napoleon's personal mounted Chasseurs regiment for the whole of the empire period. Whilst it is true that more complete volumes on the Mamluks exist (for example, Raoul and Jean Brunon's Les Mameluks d'Egypte; les Mameluks de la Garde impériale which dates from the 50s), this volume has the triple advantage of being in English, being available and a fraction the price.

Year of publication :
Place and publisher :
Oxford: Osprey
Number of pages :
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