The Battle of Marengo at 2pm

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The Battle of Marengo at 2pm

Whilst O’Reilly and Melas were meeting the French head on,
Ott’s corps had reached Castelceriolo and Elnitz’s cavalry was pressing the French into retreat. In order to avoid being outflanked, Victor was forced leave the front to support the flank, soon to be followed by Lannes. At 5pm, all of the French line was being pushed back and part of the artillery had been ceded to the Austrians. In the absence of Desaix’s reinforcements (division Boudet), which Bonaparte had recalled in the morning, the battle seemed lost. Convinced that it was all over, Melas returned to Alessandria leaving Kaïm in command of the army.

This work is part of the exhibition Marengo. Une victoire politique, which lasts until 28 August 2000 at the Museum of the Châteaux de Malmaison et

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