First Consul’s jacket (back)

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First Consul’s jacket (back)

This French embroidered red silk velour jacket was offered to Bonaparte by the town of Lyons on his first visit to that town, 28 and 29 June 1800, after Marengo.
He wore it notably during the Te Deum celebrated at Notre-dame de Paris on the occasion of the signing of the Concordat (28 Germinal an X – 18 April 1802).

This work is part of the exhibition Marengo. Une victoire politique, which lasts until 28 August 2000 at the Museum of the Châteaux de Malmaison et

( Previous work)

Date :
Technique :
velour, silk, silver
Dimensions :
H = 1.1 m
Place held :
Musée national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau
Photo credit :
Fondation Napoléon, M.P.Moinet
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