The Fondation Napoléon History Prize and Research Grant Awards Ceremony 2010

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The Fondation Napoléon History Prize and Research Grant Awards Ceremony 2010
Victor-André Masséna, Prince d'Essling presided over the awards ceremony © Fondation Napoléon

The ceremony

This year, the awards ceremony for the Fondation Napoléon History Prizes and Research Grants took place on Tuesday 7 December, at the Grande Chancellerie of the Légion d'honneur in Paris. The awards were presented by HIH the Princess Napoleon and the Prince d'Essling, president of the Fondation Napoléon.
Every year, an independent jury composed of some of the best First and Second Empire historians awards in the name of the Fondation Napoléon three history prizes and six or seven study grants.

History Prizes

The history prize winners with the Princess Napoléon © Fondation NapoléonFirst Empire Prize 2010
Vincent HAEGELE: Napoléon et Joseph Bonaparte, le pouvoir et l'ambition
Dijon: Éditions Tallandier

Second Empire Prize 2010
Gabriel BADEA-PAÜN: Le style Second Empire
Paris: Éditions Citadelles et Mazenod

Prize for a book in a language other than French 2010
Dominic LIEVEN: Russia against Napoleon. The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace
London: Penguin Books


Research Grants

The prize winners with the Princess Napoléon & the Prince d'Essling © Fondation NapoléonThis year, seven research grants were handed out, including five First Empire research grants and two Second Empire research grants.

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