Summer Reading for 2008

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We've selected a few titles here for you to take to the beach...


– BUTTERY David, Wellington Against Massena: The Third Invasion of Portugal 1810-1811

– DAWSON Anthony L., DAWSON Paul L., SUMMERFIELD Stephen, Napoleonic Artillery

– DEMPSEY Guy, Albuera 1811: the bloodiest battle of the Peninsular War

– FRANKLIN Carl E., British Napoleonic Field Artillery, The First Complete Illustrated Guide to Equipment And Uniforms

– GILL John H., 1809: Thunder on the Danube: Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs

– GRIFFITH Paddy, DENNIS Peter, French Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792–1815, (Elite 159)

– HAYTHORNTHWAITE Philip J., Waterloo Armies: The Men, Organization and Tactics

– ILARI Virgilio, CROCIANI Pietro, BOERI Giancarlo, (eds) Storia Militare del Regno Murattiano, 1806-1815 (in Italian)

– KILEY Kevin F., Napoleon's Generals and Their Battles, 1800–1815

– LEGGIERE Michael V., The Fall of Napoleon, vol. 1, The allied invasion of France, 1813-1814

– LLOYD Clive, A History of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756-1816; Hulk, Depot and Parole and The Arts and Crafts of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756 – 1816

– MIKABERIDZE Alexander, The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov

– OLIVER Michael, PARTRIDGE Richard, The Battle of Albuera – 1811: 'Glorious field of grief'

– ROBERTSON Ian, A Commanding Presence: Wellington in the Peninsula 1808-1814

– SCOTT Chris, Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics


– BELL David A., The First Total War: Napoleon's Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It

– BLAUFARB Rafe, Napoleon: A Symbol for an Age: A Brief History with Documents

– HEROLD Christopher J., Bonaparte in Egypt

– DANCOISNE-MARTINEAU Michel (ed.), St Helena, then and now

– HINDMARSH J. Thomas, CORSO Philip F. , The Death of Napoleon: the last campaign

– HOOCK Holger, (ed.) History, Commemoration, and National Preoccupation: Trafalgar 1805-2005

– LENTZ Thierry (ed.), QUAND NAPOLEON INVENTAIT LA FRANCE (When Napoleon invented France): Dictionary of administrative institutions and of the court during the Consulate and Empire

– LENTZ Thierry, Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire (volume 3: La France et l'Europe de Napoléon 1804-1814)

– MARKHAM J. David, The Road to St Helena: Napoleon After Waterloo

– MUNCH-PETERSEN Thomas, Defying Napoleon

– NAPOLEON I , Correspondance générale de Napoléon Bonaparte: volume 4, Ruptures et fondations (Breaking with the past and laying the foundations of the future), 1803-1804

– OCAMPO Emilio, La última campaña del Emperador. Napoleón y la independencia de América (The emperor's last campaign. Napoleon and the independence of America)

History of Art

– BABIN Alexandre, France in Russia: Empress Josephine's Malmaison Collection

– HUGUENAUD Karine, Guide du collectionneur napoléonien


– ANCEAU Eric, Napoléon III (in French)

– GOODDEN Angelica, Madame de Stael: The Dangerous Exile

– HACHE Jean-Didier, The French Macdonald. Journey of a Marshal of Napoleon in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Marshal Macdonald,Duke of Tarentum. The 1825 Travel Diary of Jacques Etienne Joseph Alexandre Macdonald, with translation and commentary by Jean-Didier Hache and Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart

– HARRIS Robin, Talleyrand: Betrayer and Saviour of France

– HAYTHORNTHWAITE Philip J., Wellington: The Iron Duke

– SOUTHEY Robert, The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson

– ZUCCONI A. Angelica, Napoleona: l'avventurosa storia di una nipote dell'Imperatore (In Italian)


– CABASSON Armand, The Officer's Prey
– CABASSON Armand, Wolf Hunt
– JACH Antoni, Napoleon's Double

– NAPOLEON I, (ed. Emilie Barthet and Peter Hicks) Clisson et Eugénie


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