Summer Book Selection 2009

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Summer Book Selection 2009


BLAKE Richard, Evangelicals in the Royal Navy 1775-1815
FRASER Flora, Pauline Bonaparte: Venus of Empire
GALLAHER John G., Napoleon's Enfant Terrible: General Dominique Vandamme
GOODDEN Angelica, Madame de Stael: The Dangerous Exile
HEWAT-JABOOR Philip (ed.), Thomas Hope: Designer and Patron in Regency London
HOWARD Martin, Napoleon's Poisoned Chalice: the Emperor and his doctors on St. Helena
ORDE Denis, In the Shadow of Nelson: The Life of Admiral Lord Collingwood


ALM Mikael (ed.), Scripts of Kingship. Essays on Bernadotte and Dynastic Formation in an Age of Revolution 
FORBES Christopher, Napoleon & Eugenie: Opulence & Splendor of France's Second Empire
OCAMPO Emilio, The Emperor's Last Campaign: A Napoleonic Empire in America 
RICHARDSON Paul, Vilnius 1812: From Beyond The Grave
STRATHERN Paul, Napoleon in Egypt
TODD Richard A., Napoleon's Medals: victory to the arts


ANDERSON Mark, Blue Berg – Britain Takes The Cape
DEMPSEY Guy, Albuera 1811: the bloodiest battle of the Peninsular War
FERMER Douglas, Sedan 1870: The Eclipse of France
FRANKLIN Carl E., British Napoleonic Uniforms
GILL John H., 1809: Thunder on the Danube: Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs
HAYTHORNTHWAITE Philip J., Waterloo Armies: The Men, Organization and Tactics
SCOTT Chris, Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics
TRACY Nicholas, Nelson's Battles
VOELCKER Tim, Admiral Saumarez Versus Napoleon – The Baltic, 1807-12


CHEVALLIER Bernard, Empire Splendor: French Taste in the Age of Napoleon
WALTON Charles, Policing Public Opinion in the French Revolution: The Culture of Calumny and the Problem of Free Speech

ESDAILE Charles, Peninsular Eyewitnesses: The Experience of War in Spain and Portugal 1808-1813
FORREST Alan (ed.), Soldiers, Citizens and Civilians: Experiences and Perceptions of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1820
GRIFFITHS Ralph A. (ed.), In Conversation with Napoleon Bonaparte: J. H. Vivian's visit to the island of Elba


CABASSON Armand, Wolf Hunt
SLITHERINE STRATEGIES, Commander: Napoleon at War


Napoleonica. La Revue is the Fondation Napoléon's academic, multidisciplinary, international review, and as part of your summer reading, we have put together a number of recommended articles, gleaned from last three issues. An annual subscription can be purchased for 60 €, or, if you prefer, individual articles are available for 7 € each.
Issue n° 4
PUIGMAL Patrick, “Indépendance, politique et pouvoir au Chili et en Argentine : attitudes des officiers napoléoniens dans les armées de libération (1817-1830)”
Issue n° 3
BRANDA Pierre, “Did the war pay the war? An assessment of Napoleon's attempts to make his campaigns self-financing”
GLIKMAN Juliette, “Le mythe de la Quatrième race sous le Second Empire” (in French)

Issue n° 2
LENTZ Thierry, “Les relations franco-marocaines sous le Consulat et l'Empire” (in French)

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