Presentation of the new magazine published by the Groupe de Presse Michel Hommell: Napoléon III, le magazine du Second Empire

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Presentation of the new magazine published by the Groupe de Presse Michel Hommell: <i>Napoléon III, le magazine du Second Empire</i>
(c) Soteca


Eight years after the publication of the magazine Napoléon 1er, the press group Michel Hommell is launching, in partnership with the Fondation Napoléon, Napoléon III, le magazine du Second Empire. The links between the two regimes are clear, starting with Louis-Napoleon express desire to highlight the derivation of the Second from the First.
On the other hand, the Second Empire was not just a repeat of the first: the military environment was not so all pervading, and in many ways the Second Empire prefigures contemporary France. Indeed its modernity is evident: the economic, technical, scientific developments were fundamental, and these will take a significant place in the magazine. The aim of Napoléon III is to link up with the recent works of history which give a new vision of Louis-Napoléon, his ideals, his works, his strengths and weaknesses. This is not however mere panegyric. (Napoleonic) History enthusiasts will be able to (re)discover a key and strangely unknown period in the history of France.
Christian Castellani

Contents of No. 1

Internal double page (c) Soteca– Napoléon III: héritage et innovation
Jean Tulard, of the Institut
– Debate: Napoléon III aujourd'hui
– Dossier: La guerre de Crimée (1853-1856). Une croisade moderne
Alain Gouttman, historian
– Le ministre Persigny
Jacques Jourquin, Vice-president of the Institut Napoléon
– L'épopée des zouaves
Louis Delpérier, historian
– L'exposition universelle de 1867
Georges Poisson, Conservateur général du Patrimoine
– Degas sous le Second Empire
Karine Huguenaud, curator of the Fondation Napoléon collection
– Le café Riche
David Chanteranne, editor in chief
Napoléon III News
Emmanuelle Papot-Chanteranne, Fondation Napoléon

How to subscribe

The magazine will be on sale in newsagents in January, but you can subscribe now at the following address: 
SOTECA – 48/50, boulevard Sénard 92210 Saint-Cloud
Tel. : +33 (0)1 47 11 22 86
Email: Published quarterly
Year's subscription: 32 Euros (4 numbers)


Quarterly: N°1, January 2008
Distribution: 12,000 copies
Price per number: 9.90 Euros (in newsagents)
Format: 210mm L x 297mm H
Pages: 84
Director: Michel Hommell
Editorial director: Christian Castellani
Assistant: Sylvie Philippon
Editor in chief: David Chanteranne
Editorial secretary: Emmanuelle Papot
Advertising Contact: Profil 18/30, 134 bis, rue du Point-du-Jour BP 267 – 92108 Boulogne (group head: Thierry Rémond. Tel.: +33 (0)1 46 94 84 24 – Fax : +33 (0)1 46 94 00 98). 

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