Photographs from the Bicentenary Commemorations on Elba : 4th May 2014

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Photographs from the Bicentenary Commemorations on Elba : 4th May 2014
© Vincenzo Pinto/AFP

A selection of photos from around the web which captured the bicentenary commemoration of Napoleon's arrival on Elba on 4 May 2014.

Le Figaro

Follow the link for Le Figaro's gallery of 9 photos.

Le Progrès

<i>© AFP</i>” /><A class=texteIntro href=Le Progrès has published an account of the commemoration, as well as thirty-one photographs.


<i>© Matteo Migliozzi</i>” /><A class=texteIntro href=CNN's photographs capture the moment the Emperor disembarks…

The Japan Times

<i>© AP</i>” />The Emperor in full costume, thanks to <A class=texteIntro href=The Japan Times.


<i>© euronews</i>” /><A class=texteIntro href=Video clip capturing some of the day's highlights.


<i>© TG1</i>” />A <A class=texteIntro href=video clip (in Italian) of the re-enactment in progress.

Visit Elba IT

<i>© Visit Elba IT</i>” />Visit Elba IT also captured some photographs of spectators and participants alike enjoying the bicentenary spectacle, which you can see on the <A class=texteIntro href=Visit Elba IT Facebook page.

And finally…

If you're still hungry for more images of the Emperor landing on Elba, check out's photo story, this article from La Nazione, Tirreno Elba News's coverage, and another video from TM News.

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