Book selection Summer 2007

Author(s) : HICKS Peter
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Book selection Summer 2007


BELL David A., The First Total War: Napoleon's Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It

BOERI Giancarlo, ILARI Virgilio, CROCIANI Pietro, (eds) Storia Militare del Regno Murattiano, 1806-1815

BUTTERY David, Wellington Against Massena: The Third Invasion of Portugal 1810-1811

HOWARD Michael, PARET Peter, CLAUSEWITZ Carl von, HEUSER Beatrice, On War

LLOYD Clive, A History of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756-1816; Hulk, Depot and Parole and The Arts and Crafts of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756 – 1816

OLIVER Michael, PARTRIDGE Richard, The Battle of Albuera – 1811: 'Glorious field of grief'

UFFINDELL Andrew, Waterloo Commanders: Napoleon, Wellington and Blucher

CDs and CD ROMs

NEMOPOLIS, CD-ROM: The Vulture: Investigation in Paris under Napoleon

OFFENBACH Jacques, CD – Offenbach Romantique

PEYRUSSE Baron, CD-ROM, Mémorial et Archives de M. le baron Peyrusse (1809 – 1815) Trésorier général de la Couronne. Pendant les Cent-Jours Vienne, Moscou, Ile d'Elbe

Political and social history

BLANNING T.C.W., Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648-1815
WILSON Ben, Decency and Disorder: The Age of Cant

ZAMOYSKI Adam, Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna


CANNON John, George III

DUBERLY Frances Isabella, KELLY Christine, Mrs Duberly's War: Journal and Letters from the Crimea, 1854-6

HARRIS Robin, Talleyrand: Betrayer and Saviour of France

HAYTHORNTHWAITE Philip J., Wellington: The Iron Duke


BRANDA Pierre, Le prix de la gloire. Napoléon et l'argent

OCAMPO Emilio, La última campaña del Emperador. Napoleón y la independencia de América (The emperor's last campaign. Napoleon and the independence of America)

VELTZKE Veit, Napoleon. Trikolore und Kaiseradler über Rhein und Weser, catalogue of the exhibition in Wesel

Art history

HUGUENAUD Karine, Guide du collectionneur napoléonien

KOOLHAAS-GROSFIELD E., et al. (eds), Lodewijk Napoleon en de kunsten in het Koninkrijk Holland

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