Awards ceremony for the Fondation Napoléon 2011 History Prizes and Research Grants

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Awards ceremony for the Fondation Napoléon 2011 History Prizes and Research Grants
The 2011 winners with HIH the Princess Napoléon and the Prince d'Essling © Fondation Napoléon

The 28th Fondation Napoléon History Prizes and Research Grants awards ceremony was held on Thursday 8 December, 2011, in the sumptuous French Government Foreign and European Affairs building. As every year, HIH the Princess Napoléon presided over the occasion. At her side were Fondation Napoléon president, the Prince d'Essling, and Nicolas Niemtchinow, directeur-adjoint du cabinet, representing French Foreign and European Affairs Minister, Alain Juppé.

The History Prizes

The 2011 History Prize winners, HIH Princess Napoléon, Prince d'Essling © Fondation NapoléonThis year three history prizes were awarded.
First Empire Prize: Michel Dancoisne-Martineau, Chroniques de Sainte-Hélène Atlantique sud, Editions Perrin
Michel Dancoisne-Martineau is also French Honorary Consul and Curator of the French domains on St Helena.
Second Empire Prize: Nicolas Chaudun, L'été en enfer, Napoléon III dans la débâcle, Editions Actes Sud
Prize for a book in a language other than French: Alison McQueen, Empress Eugenie and the Arts, Ashgate
Read all about the 2011 History Prizes.

The Research Grants

The 2011 grant winners, HIH the Princess Napoléon and the Prince d'Essling © Fondation NapoléonThis year seven research grants were awarded to French and non-French PhD candidates.
Four First Empire grants,
One Second Empire grant,
And two covering both periods.

Read all about the 2011 research grants.

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