Autumn exhibitions 2009

Author(s) : LERNER Elodie
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Autumn exhibitions 2009
Napoleon. Feldherr, Kaiser und Genie


Napoleon. Feldherr, Kaiser und Genie
This exhibition, featuring a large number of items from the Fondation Napoléon's own collection, marks the bicentenary of Napoleon's Austrian Campaign of 1809 and runs until 1 November, 2009
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Arts and Collecting
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (1793-1865)
A landscape, portrait and still life painter, Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller's work is the subject for an exhibition currently taking place at the Musée du Belvedère in Vienna, which runs until 11 October, 2009.
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<i>Statens Museum For Kunst, Denmark</i>” /><STRONG>Nicolai Abildgaard: Revolution Embodied</STRONG><BR>The artworks by the Danish painter Abildgaard are on display at the Statens Museum For Kunst in Denmark until <STRONG>3 January, 2010</STRONG>. <BR> <BR>– <A class=texteIntro href=What's On file




<i>Turner, Modern Rome, Campo Vaccino (detail), © National Gallery of Scotland</i>” /><STRONG>Turner and Italy</STRONG><BR>At the Museum of Fine Arts in Budepest, an exhibition dedicated to the works by Turner (1775-1851) runs until <STRONG>25 October, 2009</STRONG>. Around eighty of his paintings are on display. <BR> <BR>– <A class=texteIntro href=What's On file





<i>© Wellington Museum</i>” /><STRONG>Coup de crayon à l'Empire</STRONG><BR>Running until <STRONG>10 January, 2010</STRONG>, the Wellington Museum is the site for an exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Waterloo, the Napoleonic Wars and the protagonists involved, seen through the medium of comic books.<BR> <BR>– <A class=texteIntro href=What's On file



<i>© Hermitage Amsterdam</i>” /><STRONG>At the Russian Court</STRONG><BR>The Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam plays host, until <STRONG>30 January, 2010</STRONG>, to an exhibition of roughly 1200 items taken from the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg which depicts a day in the life of a member of the Russian court during the 19th century.<BR> <BR>– <A class=texteIntro href=What's On file


(Tr. & ed. H.D.W.)
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