5th May Commemorations 2014: Paris and St Helena

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On 5th May 2014, the 193rd anniversary of Napoleon's death was marked with commemorations in both Paris and St Helena.
5th May Commemorations 2014: Paris and St Helena
© Fondation Napoléon


At the Hôtel des Invalides, wreaths were laid at Napoleon's tomb by HIH the Prince Napoleon, the President of the Fondation Napoléon the Prince d'Essling, the Secretary General of the Association des Ajacciens de Paris, and the President of the Souvenir Napoléonien. A mass was then celebrated in the Cathédrale Saint-Louis at Invalides by Monseigneur Luc Ravel, Bishop to the French Armed Forces, in honour of Napoleon and the soldiers who have fallen for France.
On Saint Helena, wreaths were laid by Honorary French Consul Michel Dancoisne-Martineau, Acting Governor Sean Burns, representative of the Fondation Napoléon Susan O'Bey, and the students of Prince Andrew School.

Laying the Wreaths

The Prince d'Essling, the Secretary General of the Association des Ajacciens de Paris, HIH the Prince Napoleon, and the President of the Souvenir Napoléonien

Before the Last Post

<i>© Fondation Napoléon</i>” />A Parisian fireman in dress uniform, about to sound the Last Post.<!-- /paragraph3 --></p>
<p><!-- paragraph4 --></p>
<h2>The Mass</h2>
<p><img decoding=the photographs of the Saint Helena ceremony, courtesy of the Domaines Nationaux de Saint-Hélène.

St Helena on Facebook

<i>© Saint Helena (Facebook)</i>” />And finally, a few additional photos of the commemoration are available on the <A class=texteIntro href=St Helena Facebook page.

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